Bagdogra to Lachung Taxi Fare

bagdogra to lachung taxi fare

Welcome! You are landed on our site looking for Bagdogra to Lachung taxi fare. We are taxi service provider at Bagdogra Airport for pickup and drop facilities. You can book online at the given contact number and avaail best Bagdogra to Lachung car fare. We are having all types of cab options available for you like hatchback, sedan and SUV. These options can be WagonR, Maruti Dzire, Innova and Xylo etc.

Booking a cab from Bagdogra to Lachung is very easy and convenient with us. You can directly contact us at the given numbers on this site. The drivers we are having on our panel on this route are very professional, courteous and they are used to this region. If you're planning to visit nearby locations in this region you can choose our professional service for your trip. If you are on haliday and planning to stay for more some days, booking a cab from Bagdogra airport would be ideal. We are very eager to provide you best Bagdogra to Lachung cab fare. So feel free to contact us.

If you are planning to visit this region for holidays, months April to June and October to December will be the best option. Although you can visit all over the year, there is not much problem. The distance Bagdogra to Lachung approximately 232 Kilometers and it can take approx 10 - 11 Hours. The cheapest Bagdogra to Lachung taxi fare we are offering is Rs. 17250/- onwards.

Get in touch with us at our car booking contact numbers.

Bagdogra to Lachung Taxi Route by Google Maps

Get in touch

  • Address

    Siliguri, India
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    +91 8172055888